Comments for What do these marks, BK & TG mean?

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Also have a ring with NEWSALT
by: Anonymous

I also have a ring with the word NEWSALT followed by 22Kt. I am assuming that the NEWSALT is a jeweler's mark.

Gold Rush Ring? Newsalt?
by: Anonymous

I have a plain gold band 7mm wide stamped NEWSALT then followed with a star BK in what appears to be a M. (the M has rounded tops, not pointed tops)

The story I was told was that my Great, Great Grandpa went to the California gold rush and that when he came home he had 2 bands made from the gold he found. (He had 2 daughters that he gave the rings too) I am not sure and wonder if the markings can help to confirm this story.

Gold bunny with with a large G on one leg and large T on the other
by: Amanda

I have a very beautiful large gold bunny on one leg there is a large T in a circle and on the other leg there is a large G in a circle he is standing up he has blue eyes they are gyms also has blue Jim's on his shirt don't know if the G or the t comes first they're just printed on one side of each of a legs nothing else
what does it stand for please help me thanks

B K & T stamp
by: Emma

Hi my engagement ring also has B K & T stamp. I think it is definitely a & and not a G. I would love to know any information if anyone has any?

More Photos Requested
by: Anonymous

Hi Pete thanks for the photo, but I still can't see the B.K & T maker's mark clearly enough. Could you please upload TWO more photos of the mark, from different angles in two follow-up submissions, title B.K & T so that I can locate and assign them as quickly as possible. Hopefully we will have multiple upload of photos soon ;-)


BK & TG 1834
by: Yvonne

Hi Peter without the benefit of a photo, Im not sure if the letters are the maker's mark or the initials of the actual couple that exchanged rings. A date mark is usually marked on rings as a letter mark, not the actual year. Maybe BK & TG were married in 1834? If you have a photo upload in a follow-up submission, it will help.

thanks fellow SBier for writing in....
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
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