I too have an alexandrite ring. It is gold, with the stone cut into a three leaf clover with a diamond at the end of the steam. It also has a c with a shooting star next to it. My grandmother left it to me when she died. My grandfather gave it to my grandmother the day my father was born and I was born, on his birthday. That is why my ring is so special to me. My grandfather died before I was born so I never knew about the ring. My grandfather and his family are Jewish and where running from hitler. My grandfather is supposably Austrian but might be Russian. I've been searching for years about this ring and never found anything but other people's questions. Please help
gold ring with C and shooting star mark by: Anonymous
I read about the gold ring with the C and shooting star markings. I also have one with a clover shaped light green clear stone. It's been passed down in our family and I can't find info on it. There is also green enamal on clover stem and a very small diamond on end of stem.
C plus Shooting Star Mark by: Beth
Hi Kelly
don't know how the hallmark C shooting star and your alexandrite ring are related but...
C with a shooting star that looks like its coming out of the curvature of the C letter is the maker's mark:
PHILADELPHIA OPTICAL & WATCH Co. (Optical Goods & Watch Importers, Philadelphia, PA, USA) - ca 1868 - 1894
Don't blame the messenger (lol) Is the stone REAL Alexandrite?
Alexandrite & Antique Ring by: Yvonne
Kelley Natural Alexandrite is very, very rare. It appears a dull grass-green by daylight but by electric light it appears yellowish or reddish-yellow and by soft candle-light it appears reddish. It's original source was near Ekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains of Russia. Alexandrite was discovered in 1830 the year Alexander II came of age, and is named after him. So in order for Alexandrite to be natural it must be post 1830s
More details please Kelly. What metal is the ring made from? What style is the ring? How old would you say the ring was? Was it handed down to your granmother? Do you have any Russian connections in your family history?