Comments for Signature on Back of Cameo

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Dancing erotes
by: Bronwen

From the verbal description, suspect this is copied from a painting by Albani that goes by various names, but depicts the Rape (abduction)of Proserpine by Pluto. An Internet search for 'Albani rape Proserpine' should find more info & images for you.

Unusal Cameo Subject
by: Yvonne

Good Morning Kelly

the subject on your cameo is rare in comparison to the usual profile of the head and shoulders of a lovely lady, which are plentiful.

Without seeing the front of the cameo and the signature, which if in Chinese, is also not usual, in the cameo world, it is not possible to comment. It could be an imitation cameo.

We need more information and photos. Please re-submit as a new question, attach photos of the cameo and also provide as many details as you possibly can, like the material it's made from, or if you don't know the material, could you describe it, like the colour, the texture, is it smooth or does it feel gritty against the surface of your teeth, be careful with this test!

The tooth test is usually used to determine if a pearl is cultured or an imitation pearl, but I find this test is also very useful in determining if a cameo is made of organic material such as shell, as opposed to plastic. The page that describes how to do the tooth test can be found at the following URL:

Can you describe, the mounting, in your own words? We are not toffee nosed appraisers here. Just tell us what you see.
Is the mounting marked? Examine all the metal including the connection of the metal where it meets the surround. Can you tell us where this unusual cameo originally came from? An auction, flea market, inherited, a gift from a friend or loved one?

Please copy and paste the following address into your browser.
It will take you to the cameo question form to resubmit the question.

Kind Regards

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