Wow! Its gorgeous! Your necklace looks like it is in perfect condition! What are the beads made from? They look like they are transparent, or semi-transparent beads and the color looks smokey, grey, very understated, very classy. The length of the necklace can help dating. Sautoirs extended down to below the waist. Really, really long, and some have a jewel led pendant or tassel suspended at the bottom.
Sautoirs in Jewelry History by: Yvonne
Good Morning! Thanks for writing in, and thank you so much for uploading an image. It really does help! A fascinating find! Great question - No jewelry findings, so how to date seed beed jewelry.
With great difficulty - The style, would be an indicator - the color and the popularity of seed beeds in the Japanese jewelry making Pantheons could indicate of Japanese origin, not sure - however, I would describe your necklace as a type of SAUTOIR - which is a long necklace of beads or pearls, often ending in a tassel, and by lucky chance, in Jewelry History were very popular in the 1920s.