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Value of A Cameo
by: Anonymous

Hello and thank you for your question. Yes, it is a lovely cameo. We would need to see the mark on the metal to provide any info on the mark itself, but when it comes to cameo the CONDITION of the cameo is just as import. Examine with a Jewelers Loupe or magnifying glass, preferably with 10 x magnification and look for any scratches, chips and cracks. This will affect the value of a cameo significantly.

Some people collect Antique Cameos. You can find some cameo buying tips here.

Most Italian cameo jewelry on the market today, date from the mid-1700s to 1900. Do you know what metal around the cameo is made from? Italian cameo in the late nineteenth century may be set in silver. No all antique cameos are set in gold.

This cameo is not an antique cameo. Short hair on woman only came into fashion thanks to the influence of fashion and jewelry maven Coco Chanel. After you have examined the condition of your cameo, to get some idea of its value; one of the best ways is look at cameos on the market similar to your one. For instance compare, the size, the material, the picture on the front, ie. short hair, long hair, straight roman nose, mythological scene, etc.

Here is a cameo site that you can compare to get you started...

Best Regards
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
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