If you are looking on line, especially at places like ebay you could try adding the keywords flower or Flora to your search or even blue for the color. The Roman Goddess Flora is a fairly common subject for cameos and is often identified by a flower on her shoulder like the one you have posted. It might be easier for you to buy an unset cameo and have it set exactly the way you want than to search for a duplicate. Good luck in finding what you want.
Custom Made Cameo by: Yvonne
Good Morning Nicolette the subject is modern - it will be difficult refining your research as many people do not know the difference between an antique cameo and It's modern descendants and so will describe under the category of just CAMEO.
The color of the material against the white cameo subject, with the addition of diamonds on the white metal surround make this cameo very attractive and I can see why you would like to find one similar. Visitors who would like to de-invest cameo similar to the piece in the photograph can respond to Nicolette in this thread.
Alternatively, if you would like a custom made cameo created by an expert carver please contact and tick the appropriate box. Nicolette, the smaller the subject is to hand carve, the harder it will be to replicate as more precision is required.