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Horseshoe Help
by: Anonymous

Nice work Josh! Thanks for pointing the Horseshoe out. Regards, Yvonne

horse'n around the swastika & clover
by: Anonymous

yvonne, jenny there's also a horseshoe symbol i can see on the brooch. a very lucky brooch, I'd have to say.


Non-German Swastika Four Leaf Clover Brooch
by: Anonymous

Good Evening Jenny!

To answer your question Jenny - Yes, this vintage Swastika brooch could have been received by your Great Aunt prior to WWII. The four-leafed clover and the swastika were both considered lucky charms in the pre-Nazi 1920s in the U.S.

The Four Leaf Clover, which appears as the background of the brooch is considered a "lucky" symbol. The Swastika Symbol in the foreground, has for thousands of years, also been used as a sign of luck & protection, in many cultures around the world.

Best Wishes,

yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

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