Comments for Finnish Ring - need help with the last hallmark | Id. 133

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I believe it is Finnish Ring Band
by: Anonymous

Interested in finding the date for an antique Finnish Rose gold band..
Date mark T. 4. 750 18k. AVG

Dating a Finnish Chalcedony Gold Ring
by: Elkan

the model no. may be able to tell the date it was made; based on what I can see I would say 70's.

kind regards

Elkan Wijnberg, CEO

Dating a Finnish Chalcedony Gold Ring
by: Jeanne

Thanks for everyone's help in trying to determing the age of the ring - I've attached different photo of the last hallmark which may determine the age. I also found a very similar ring but in sterling and a different stone - this can be viewed at
Another page shows a very similar hallmark but again it is for sterling - view the pics along the side.

many, many thanks to all who have contributed. Jeanne

Finnish Maker's Marks - Warman's Jewelry
by: Finnish Jewelry Fan

Hi - You can find a number of Finnish makers' marks in the Scandinavian appendix of the third edition of Warman's Jewelry.

Antique Gold Ring or Modern
by: Anonymous

"The Finnish dating system indicates that R7 is 1970."
I think it's important to separate the church from the state;-)
The church being antique jewelry and the state being contemporary jewelry and the latter being of no concern to us in this forum.
R7 date mark = 1970 and 1919

Without the benefit of a close-up image of the hallmark, from my angle the hallmarks, seem to appear quite worn, indicating a historic gold hallmark. Also the stone is cut en-cabochon. This style of cut was mainly used in antiquity but came back into fashion in the art nouveau era between the 1890's and the early 1900s.

best regards
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

Swedish/Finish Date marks
by: Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

Date marks for Swedish Hallmarks on Precious metals (Swedish & Finish date almost identical)

A6=1879 A7=1903 A8=1927 A9=1951 A10=1975 A11=1999
B6=1880 B7=1904 B8=1928 B9=1952 B10=1976 B11=2000
C6=1881 C7=1905 C8=1929 C9=1953 C10=1977 C11=2001
D6=1882 D7=1906 D8=1930 D9=1954 D10=1978 D11=2002
E6=1883 E7=1907 E8=1931 E9=1955 E10=1979 E11=2003
F6=1884 F7=1908 F8=1932 F9=1956 F10=1980 F11=2004
G6=1885 G7=1909 G8=1933 G9=1957 G10=1981 G11=2005
H6=1886 H7=1910 H8=1934 H9=1958 H10=1982 H11=2006
I6=1887 I7=1911 I8=1935 I9=1959 I10=1983 I11=2007
K6=1888 K7=1912 K8=1936 K9=1960 K10=1984 K11=2008
L6=1889 L7=1913 L8=1937 L9=1961 L10=1985 L11=2009
M6=1890 M7=1914 M8=1938 M9=1962 M10=1986 M11=2010
N6=1891 N7=1915 N8=1939 N9=1963 N10=1987 N11=2011
O6=1892 O7=1916 O8=1940 O9=1964 O10=1988 O11=2012
P6=1893 P7=1917 P8=1941 P9=1965 P10=1989 P11=2013
Q6=1894 Q7=1918 Q8=1942 Q9=1966 Q10=1990 Q11=2014
R6=1895 R7=1919 R8=1943 R9=1967 R10=1991 R11=2015
S6=1896 S7=1920 S8=1944 S9=1968 S10=1992 S11=2016
T6=1897 T7=1921 T8=1945 T9=1969 T10=1993 T11=2017
U6=1898 U7=1922 U8=1946 U9=1970 U10=1994 U11=2018
V6=1899 V7=1923 V8=1947 V9=1971 V10=1995 V11=2019
X6=1900 X7=1924 X8=1948 X9=1972 X10=1996 X11=2020
Y6=1901 Y7=1925 Y8=1949 Y9=1973 Y10=1997 Y11=2021
Z6=1902 Z7=1926 Z8=1950 Z9=1974 Z10=1998 Z11=2022

correction to date
by: Anonymous

The Finnish dating system indicates that R7 is 1970. The last Hallmark has been identified as Kaunis Koru

Finnish blue chalcedony ring
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for helping me to identify the date markings on the ring - any clues as to the last hallmark? Now that I have the date I will also do research via the internet and my local library but I think I will need the help of an expert. If need be I can try and draw by pencil the last hallmark as it was hard to try and get it in the picture. Many thanks again for your help.

Finnish Antique Hallmarks
by: Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

Hi Jeanne - the R7 mark you see inside your beautiful chalcedony Finnish antique gold ring, is not actually the ring size, but the date letter. Date letters on Swedish metals are identical to Finnish date letters. R7=1919

best regards
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

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