Comments for Fine Jewelry Marked N in Circle

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N inside a circle followed by II
by: Anonymous

This mark is by Eliot Danori!

by: Anonymous

Roman numeral two followed by a N inside a circle is definitly Nadri (gold plated/CZ jewelry)

by: Anonymous

100% NADRI, OP is not talking about a Napier mark.

II and N in circle
by: Anonymous

I have a tennis diamond necklace with roman numeral II and the N in a circle. On the opposite clasp, there is a little diamond stone with hollow spaces next to it, almost like a paw print. Does anyone know what brand this might be? Definitely not Napier.

The letter N in a circle with a gemstone beside it
by: Anonymous

I have a necklace and earring set in gold or gold tone with the letter N in a circle with a white gemstone beside it.. It is is a box from People's Jewelers Canada.. I can not get any information about this set.. Is it real gold, what does the N mean.

N inside Circle mark By VIETNAM
by: Anonymous

I have what sounds like the same earrings with the N in a circle and VIETNAM beside the mark.

by: Anonymous

I too have a bracelet with an N in a circle and a Roman numeral 2 under the n..Its silver or white gold with what looks like diamonds on it..Does anybody know what I have ?

Roman numeral two followed by a n inside a circle
by: Anonymous

I have a pair of earrings with a Roman numeral two followed by a N inside a circle. They are a halo of small clear white clones with a large one in the center. There is also a jem on the back next to the mark. I found them in a pocket of a second hand sweater. I cant find anything about the Roman numeral two.

Ed I have the same on my bracelet.
by: Hope

Ed... I have the exact same Roman numeral 2 and N with a circle around it with a small jewel on the opposite side of the clasp. Mine is a diamond tennis bracelet.

Let me know if u have luck identifying it :)

Best wishes

Snow ❄️ Flake Necklace
by: Anonymous

I have a pendant it looks like a snowflake with a 2 karet diamond in the center and small diamonds on the outside gorgeous with the letter N.

N mark in circle plus small "diamond" chip
by: Denise

I have a chain that attaches to a pendant that can be worn on the chain or as a brooch. The brooch is marked with the N in a circle and has a small "diamond"chip next to it. There is also a small "diamond" chip on a link next to the clasp on the chain. It seems to be a high quality costume jewelry. The brooch has "diamonds" in different shapes and sizes and the larger stones are multi cut so it sparkles nicely. The chain is box link. A magnet will get a bit of a pull from the clasp on the chain only. Would love to know who made it!

Bracelet marked with circle N and Roman numeral II
by: Ed

I have a bracelet that is marked with a circle with an N in it followed by Roman numeral II. Opposite these on other side of clasp is one small jewel.

N in circle with china below it
by: Anonymous

I Have a bracelet it looks very nice well made, it is marked with N in a circle with the word china under it. I have searched and searched and can't find this mark anywhere on the internet.

Anyone have any ideas. It's not Napier, I've checked that pretty thorough.

by: Anonymous

Nadri uses N with circle. You might wish to check there.

N in a circle
by: Anonymous

I have a chocker oval shaped that are diamond in what I believe is white gold with a impressed capital N in it. I was wondering what this means.

Blue Jay Brooch
by: Anonymous

I myself have a brooch with the same stamp and a picture of a blue jay sitting on a branch was wondering if anyone came to any conclusion on who made these brooch’s and what there worth ??

It is a peacock necklace with feather hanging off it blue eye with small green gems
by: Anonymous

It just has the letter N nothing else

N in oval or circle
by: Anonymous

didn't Napier use an opened oval with N.
there is a costume line that uses sold oval with N. seems to be associated with a fashion costume jewelry wild flower

N within a stamped circle
by: Anonymous

I too have a silver braclet with an N stamped within a circle
Below is the word China
Beautiful detail looks like horseshoes connected each containing 8 rhinestone chips
Is there any value to this piece

I have a Bracelet marked N in a circle
by: Anonymous

I have a bracelet marked N in a very defined circle, with china written underneath, this is a very beautiful rhinestone gemstones around and clasp closure. much nicer than costume jewelry. I cannot find who makes it. Its not napier as napier is usually in an oval.

Napier Marks
by: Yvonne

are you quite sure about that? Napier have also marked their jewelry just NAPIER with no circle or oval for that matter.

If you go to
jewelry resources
and then clink on the link:

"Costume Jewelry Marks, Maker's Marks and Date Reference..."

Then under N...

I will check my references books also. Thanks again for your contribution.

Best Regards

N in a circle
by: Anonymous

The comment that an N inside a circle is Napier is not correct. They never used that mark. They did use an N inside of an oval but never a circle.

14k n in circle
by: Anonymous

Have chain rope wondering the same. Symbol is over 14k

N in a Circle Mark
by: Yvonne

Hi - N in a circle was used by: NAPIER Co. (Manufacturing Jewelers, Meriden, CT, USA) - ca. 1922 - 1999

thanks for writing in...

Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre
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