Roman numeral two followed by a N inside a circle is definitly Nadri (gold plated/CZ jewelry)
Nadri by: Anonymous
100% NADRI, OP is not talking about a Napier mark.
II and N in circle by: Anonymous
I have a tennis diamond necklace with roman numeral II and the N in a circle. On the opposite clasp, there is a little diamond stone with hollow spaces next to it, almost like a paw print. Does anyone know what brand this might be? Definitely not Napier.
The letter N in a circle with a gemstone beside it by: Anonymous
I have a necklace and earring set in gold or gold tone with the letter N in a circle with a white gemstone beside it.. It is is a box from People's Jewelers Canada.. I can not get any information about this set.. Is it real gold, what does the N mean.
N inside Circle mark By VIETNAM by: Anonymous
I have what sounds like the same earrings with the N in a circle and VIETNAM beside the mark.
Bracelet by: Anonymous
I too have a bracelet with an N in a circle and a Roman numeral 2 under the n..Its silver or white gold with what looks like diamonds on it..Does anybody know what I have ?
Roman numeral two followed by a n inside a circle by: Anonymous
I have a pair of earrings with a Roman numeral two followed by a N inside a circle. They are a halo of small clear white clones with a large one in the center. There is also a jem on the back next to the mark. I found them in a pocket of a second hand sweater. I cant find anything about the Roman numeral two.
Ed I have the same on my bracelet. by: Hope
Ed... I have the exact same Roman numeral 2 and N with a circle around it with a small jewel on the opposite side of the clasp. Mine is a diamond tennis bracelet.
Let me know if u have luck identifying it :)
Best wishes
Snow ❄️ Flake Necklace by: Anonymous
I have a pendant it looks like a snowflake with a 2 karet diamond in the center and small diamonds on the outside gorgeous with the letter N.
N mark in circle plus small "diamond" chip by: Denise
I have a chain that attaches to a pendant that can be worn on the chain or as a brooch. The brooch is marked with the N in a circle and has a small "diamond"chip next to it. There is also a small "diamond" chip on a link next to the clasp on the chain. It seems to be a high quality costume jewelry. The brooch has "diamonds" in different shapes and sizes and the larger stones are multi cut so it sparkles nicely. The chain is box link. A magnet will get a bit of a pull from the clasp on the chain only. Would love to know who made it!
Bracelet marked with circle N and Roman numeral II by: Ed
I have a bracelet that is marked with a circle with an N in it followed by Roman numeral II. Opposite these on other side of clasp is one small jewel.
N in circle with china below it by: Anonymous
I Have a bracelet it looks very nice well made, it is marked with N in a circle with the word china under it. I have searched and searched and can't find this mark anywhere on the internet.
Anyone have any ideas. It's not Napier, I've checked that pretty thorough.
Nadri by: Anonymous
Nadri uses N with circle. You might wish to check there.
N in a circle by: Anonymous
I have a chocker oval shaped that are diamond in what I believe is white gold with a impressed capital N in it. I was wondering what this means.
Blue Jay Brooch by: Anonymous
I myself have a brooch with the same stamp and a picture of a blue jay sitting on a branch was wondering if anyone came to any conclusion on who made these brooch’s and what there worth ??
It is a peacock necklace with feather hanging off it blue eye with small green gems by: Anonymous
It just has the letter N nothing else
N in oval or circle by: Anonymous
didn't Napier use an opened oval with N. there is a costume line that uses sold oval with N. seems to be associated with a fashion costume jewelry wild flower
N within a stamped circle by: Anonymous
I too have a silver braclet with an N stamped within a circle Below is the word China Beautiful detail looks like horseshoes connected each containing 8 rhinestone chips Is there any value to this piece
I have a Bracelet marked N in a circle by: Anonymous
I have a bracelet marked N in a very defined circle, with china written underneath, this is a very beautiful rhinestone gemstones around and clasp closure. much nicer than costume jewelry. I cannot find who makes it. Its not napier as napier is usually in an oval.
Napier Marks by: Yvonne
are you quite sure about that? Napier have also marked their jewelry just NAPIER with no circle or oval for that matter.