Egyptian Gold Marks
Ancient Egyptian Revival Jewelry
Egyptian Gold Mark - Seagull
Egyptian Silver Mark
Egyptian Platinum Mark
When it comes to Egyptian Gold Marks, "The Assay & Weights Administration" is the controlling authority of Egyptian gold marks and examining and appraising precious metals in Egypt today. (at the date of writing, February 2020)
Ancient Egypt was one of the oldest civilizations on earth and the Ancient Egyptians, the original stone masons were experts in weights and measurements.
Egypt is a land rich in gold as Ancient Egyptian Gold Jewelry confirms. Ancient Egyptian kings, queens and royalty used Jewelry as status symbols and ornaments. Modern kings and queens of Egypt, likewise, understood the influential role that Ancient Egyptian Jewelry can play. Read about the Mubarak Egyptian Collection of Jewelry and precious objects Here...
Although an Ancient Egyptian gold marking system hasn't been completely unraveled on Egyptian antique gold jewelry, Egyptian archaeologists do know that the Ancient Egyptians established certain protocols and regulations to assure the accuracy of these criteria were met, even way back then.
The Ancient Egyptians recognized that besides using gold and gemstones as ornaments, these jewels and metals could also be used as a method of saving.
Find out about the oldest and safest way to invest in gold.
Modern Background of Egyptian Gold Marks
- In July 1847 during the reign of Abbass, the first king of modern Egypt, in an effort to regulate the jewelry craft and trade, put forward the very first regulatory law which was intended to enforce the regulation of applying Egyptian hallmarks on jewelry, to determine the fineness or carat of gold and silver.
- Applying Egyptian marks on gold, silver, and platinum was however voluntary at that time.
- On the 20th of April 1891, an official body for regulating the jewelry industry was officially formed.
- Things began to get more serious though when another bill concerning Egyptian hallmarks was put forward in 1913, during the reign of Khidewi Abbass Helmi the second.
- In 1914, the central regulation body grew several branches of the administrative authority within the different states of Egypt.
- A bill was passed in 1916, making the hallmarking of Egyptian gold, silver and platinum jewelry compulsory.
- In 1936, the Weights and Assay administrations which were two separate bodies in Egypt combine to form the Administration of Assays and Weights - the AAW.
- In 1946, the administration of Assay and Weights established:
Egyptian standard mark for 1. Gold: Seagull
Egyptian standard mark for 2. Silver: Lotus Flower
Egyptian standard mark for 3. Platinum: King Mina's crown. (see symbols at the top of this page)
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