Comments for Cursive L with a Star

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Jewelry owner 10K yellow gold diamond pendant cursive L star
by: Michael Lynn

I came here because I was trying to find out more about 14 karat gold necklace with a 10 karat gold diamond pendant that appears to be four diamonds in a cluster to the illusion of a square princess cut single diamond is marked on the pendant with a star have you guys figured this out yet can I upload my pictures? someone said Landstroms I read in previous comment not sure if this helps but my grandma this came from is from Ohio and I remember being little shopping at a department store called Lazarus ? Just A random thought I think Simon Lazarus created that store in Columbus Ohio later became the Macy’s Department Store

l with a diamond Star Diamond Group
by: Anonymous

Cursive L with a five point star is Star diamond group and can be found on the registered trademark site Justia

Cursive L with a stars L ⭐️ 14k c
by: Anonymous

I have also a ring with an cursive L with a stars and I want to find how much it was when it was purchased. Somebody know what is the brand of the jewelry?

Capital Cursive L and a Star symbol
by: Anonymous

I too have a 14k told diamond ring in scripted with a Capital Cursive L and a Star next to it. Was hoping someone knows who this maker is? I'll happily attach a photo of it if needed. Thank you!

Cursive L with a star
by: Sam Biggs

I also inherited a ring I’m looking to sell. But who is the damn maker of this ring lol

Cursive l star antique looking ring
by: Anonymous

Hi all,

I inherited this pretty ring which is clearly marked 14k with diamonds.

Cursive L with Star same hallmark
by: Anonymous

I would love to know who the maker is since I can see the high quality FINE diamonds they use...It would seem to me that there are a lot of pieces out there with this mark.

by: Anonymous

On a different forum, someone said the cursive L is the hallmark of Landstrom’s Jewelry.

Mothers Ring
by: Anonymous

My mother gave me her ring, she said she designed it and had it made a long time ago. It has a cursive L with a star and 14k on the inside. I would like to find out where it came from!

by: CrysDee LouWheez

Mans ring marked with a cursive L with a 🌟 inset marked 14KP and 4 and I believe it's a cursive k it has 7 beautiful diamonds lined up. How do I post pictures for you all I would love to find out more myself and I believe that I have some high quality pictures of it's Hallmark however I'm not sure how to upload them for y'all to see Thanks in advance.
CrysDee LouWheez x💋x

My ring
by: Anonymous

So this ring was given to me by my dad when I was younger he and my mother have dementia. Most of his family are either not around or have nothing to do with us and the story when I received the ring was it was a simple birthday present for my 16th but now I’d like to know if it was passed down or bought new etc. it has an cursive L with a star to the right (hopfully the pictures upload) Any help identifying would be most welcomed! (Also we are in America however my dad traveled around the world when he was young with the Ringling Brothers Circus way back when so this ring could be from anywhere because he was on their international circuit!) it is gold 10k with a solid band that has a heart shape on top and several small diamonds around the heart shape.

J. C. Penney
by: Anonymous

I have an engagement ring with the cursive L and a star in it. It's 14kt gold with a .875 solitaire diamond.

The ring was purchased from J.C. Penney.

Cursive L with star $15 for ring
by: Anonymous

I just came across a ring at an estate sale today with a cursive capital L and a star to its right. No 14K mark, only 3.00.G on opposite side of inside band. Have not done any research yet other than this website. The fact that I paid only $15 for it leads me to believe it is costume jewelry. Any thoughts?

star cursive L 10K diamond bracelet.
by: April Murray

Hello everyone, I just bought a bag of scrap jewelry for 10 dollars and lo and behold, inside is a diamond chip 10K gold bracelet, it measures 8 inches long, which is rare as most are 7, and it has a cursive L and a star logo. I am in Michigan, and I am going to my jeweler tomorrow. the man is magic when it comes to fixing and giving me info. I will hopefully update this post tomorrow and we will all have the name of the maker of our L Star or star L jewelry. My bracelet is a very nice quality piece too, so maybe I will be able to help everyone out by this time tomorrow.

Same L*
by: Anonymous

I have a cross with the same mark but I can't figure out what it is either. Has anyone found anything out about it yet?

L & star
by: Chris

These where purchased in from a jewelry store in Alabama

Kp Meaning
by: Anonymous

there's a very helpful thread (address is below) on this website that explains the meaning of the "kp" part of the question for you -

Capital Cursive L with star
by: Kacie

I have small gold diamond ring I received several years ago from my grandmother on one side it says 14kp with the L and the star next to it and the other side has the numbers 4765 and then .46 what does this mean?

Maker Mark
by: Jason

The maker:

L and star logo
by: Eddie

I recently bought a used Diamond ring with this L star. Also on band is FL or F1,0825,.23,14K! I know the .23 stands for carat weigh, but the Diamond is for sure about a .29 or .30 in size. This puzzles me how this came about! Mixed stone, Upgrade, replaced damaged stone maybe? Also does the FL or F1 stand for Flawless Diamond, it sure appears Flawless? Any comments for reason of this please reply on this site! Thank you, and a note this looks like a very good site to get answers on questions on jewelry marks and logos!

cursive L with a star
by: John

Thank you for your efforts.

To the poster of the ring. I originally started this thread as I have a tennis bracelet with 20 diamonds along with the 14k mark. I assume it is white gold but can't be sure myself.

Again, thank you to all who have contibuted to this thread.

Cursive L with Star
by: Tom

Unfortunately, we could not find a matching reference to identify the maker of this item. It looks like it was probably made for a specific client by an individual or small Retailer/Jeweler whose logo is not registered or documented. Based on what I can see peripherally in your photos, it appears to be in a ca 1950s - 1960s style.

Also, the 14K notation for Gold denotes that it is either from the UK or another Commonwealth country or American in origin since most Continental European makers used the "thousands" notation.


Star In L Mark | Photos
by: Anonymous

Hallmark | Star sitting in the lap of L
by: Yvonne

Hallmark challenging - Still researching - will post the verdict as soon as we can. It's a tough one. Yvonne

Cursive L and star sitting on its lap
by: Anonymous

Any info on this mark? Been searching and haven't found no info on it.

Photos of L star mark P.L.E.A.S.E!
by: Anonymous

We really need 3 images of this mark to proceed.
One photo of the mark and the surrounding area.
One photo of the mark close up.
One photo of the entire item.

Please send photos too:

I also have a mens 14k yellow gold diamond ring with this mark
by: Jtoomey

Any one found and info on these marks. Thanks

resubmitted with new photos
by: John

Thanks Yvonne,

I thought I had submitted it before but I guess I did something wrong. I have resubmitted it.

Thanks again

Submitting Photos as Comments
by: Yvonne

Hi John

at present, it's not possible to add photos in the comments box . If you need to add photos you have
to re-submit the comment with photos ( below the question box) at Help Central in the Hallmark Forum.

Kind Regards

tried another submission
by: john

I tried to submit a new thread on this titled:

RE: Cursive L with a star

I tried to add three new pictures but I think I may have only added one.

also, I backed out of it before I was able to set notification setting....

So I am not sure if it went through or not and if I can find it again.



Cursive L with a star Hallmark
by: John


Got kind of heated there for a moment. I know it has been awhile but I have been very busy. I still will get around to posting a clearer pic if I can but I just havent had the time to mess with it that much.

thanks again for your replies and advice.


Cursive L w/ Star Mark 14k Diamond Ring
by: Anonymous

"Unknown Makers Mark" shows up on many appraisals. I just hope more people will find it on their items and maybe we can figure out where it came from. My ring was bought at an estate sale with almost no information. But if I do find out anything I will post it and share it -

Appraisal Recommended In Person
by: Rebecca


maybe it might be more suitable and convenient to get an appraisal carried out by a professional in the US. This way the expert can examine the marks in person with a hand lens, also appraise the diamonds. There is the chance the mark is not registered. Antique Jewelry Investor does not recommend appraisals on-line for gem set jewelry anyway. Please let me know and I am happy to refer.

Kind Regards

get an appraisal carried out!
by: Yukimine

Hi Anonymous

we are not questioning your academic background or education, and if you sign "anonymous" we will never know who you are but it wouldn't make much difference even if you were einstein incarnate :-) and what's more if you can read the marks on this item, you also have outstanding vision as even the poster admitted John who send in photo says its not clear ;-)
It's also upside down, maybe you are good at standing on your head also :-)

Are you going to sell this item by any chance? Just wondering. If you are so annoyed with FREE information why don't you pay for an appraisal?

Regards Yukimine

RARE? Capital Cursive L & Star
by: Anonymous

You have no idea what my background or education is. Yes, I do know how long it can take to research Hallmarks & Makers Marks.

Yes, I know there are a great deal of marks with stars, but have yet to see any others with the Capital Cursive L & Star. The picture of the mark on this item looks quite clear to me.

I posted my comment so the owner would know I have seen the same mark on a 14k yellow gold diamond ring. The more items we can find with the mark, the greater the odds of learning the maker.

A Horse is a horse of course not!
by: YVONNE Hammouda-Eyre

Wow Anonymous!

there isn't another website that offers this amount of free information about hallmarks on jewelry. We don't even have membership fees yet. Any appraiser worth their salt will need to see at least clear images of the mark.

The image of Cursive L with Star if you care to examine, is not clear at all. Do you know how many star marks alone are out there? A horse is a horse of course not! Also with respect, do you have any idea how many hours go into researching some of these marks?

Best Regards

How many L Star hallmarks are there?
by: Anonymous

Hello! I have a 14k yollow gold and diamond ring with the same Hallmark stamped inside. I have been searching the internet for HOURS trying to find more information on this marking. Your diamond braclet is the only item I've found that matches and NO ONE will give ANY info on it! How many Capital Cursive Ls with a Star are out there!?! Everyone wants more pictures and more information before they offer any help! Either someone knows what it is or they don't! It's a simple mark and seems rare and the picture you posted looks clear enough to me!

Seems they just want the $$$ for an appraisal that will, more then likely, end up saying, "Hallmark Unknown". If these people don't know they could at least admit it and/or direct you to a book or site that might help. Wish you Good Luck!

new pics
by: Anonymous

Wow, I can't believe how difficult this is to get good picture. I know I don't have the best camera but with this mark being so small my biggest issue has been lighting.

I don't know, I will keep working at it and see if I can get a better pic of the mark.

Thanks again for your help.

new pics
by: John

Okay, I will try to get some better pics. Not used to this and it was quite frustrating trying to get a good pic. The one I originally posted was so much better than all the others that I went with it. LOL.

I don't know if this thing is real or not but the 14k gives me hope. Don't know if that matters or not but I will try to get 4 good pics this time around and repost.

Thank you for your help.

14k L Diamond
by: Anonymous


you will have to re-post with a new picture. If you do simply just put RE: in front of it with the same subject as your original question and we will know it came from you. Thanks.

Antique Jewelry Investor

Is the pic of the mark clear?
by: John


Just wondering if the pic is clear enough for someone to identify who the maker might be.

I just have a basic camera and it has been difficult to get a quality pic.

Expert Appraisal
by: Anonymous

Hi if you can generate three good clear images, one of the mark, close-up, one of the mark and surroundings, and third of the entire piece. It would be well worth a Jewelry Appraisal.


additional pics
by: John

If I can generate a better pic am I able to add it or will I have to post the whole thing over again?

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