Christian Dior's NEW LOOK emphasized glamour, nostalgia (with a neo-Victorian tone) that also emphasized "coordinated accessorizing".
The New Look became extremely popular, its full-skirted silhouette influencing fashion and other designers well into the 1950s.
His head-to-toe outfits changed every season and needed Dior jewelry to match. This gave rise to canny costume jewelers quick to realize that a seasonal change in jewelry as well as fashion, meant increased revenue and many costume jewelers followed his example.
The most prestigious Dior pieces were commissioned from the leading costume jewelers of the day and included leading lights: Henry Schreiner, Mitchell Maer, Coppola e Toppo, Sam Kramer, Robert Goosens and Josette Gripoix, these pieces were worn by the wealthiest women.
I'm not familiar with Ciner Jewelry - more background information, and can you describe the mark in more detail or/and upload an image. Thanks for writing in!