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Lockets In Context with Jewelry History
by: Anonymous

Good Morning Sarah,

in the modern history of jewelry, the Locket is the descendant of the hinged Reliquary Pendants of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

In the 16th century the sovereign would present hinged pendants that enclosed a portrait of him/herself - so historically, the Locket, has had more of a personal tone to it.

The small case with the hinged-lid is used for holding a memento such as portrait, miniature, lock of hair, etc.
Sarah is it made of silver, gold or other metal? Is it engraved? Also if you like you can attach a photo of the locket in a follow-up submission, title the question "Childhood locket gift - Photos"

Thanks for writing in. The giver and gift sound very special and the locket means a great deal to you.

Warm Wishes,
Yvonne Hammouda-Eyre

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