Comments for CH - hallmark Necklace?

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Its Carolina Herrera
by: Howard Fan

I found a necklace listed as Carolina Herrera on Ruby Lane with the same font and tag. The RI company appears to use a &.

CH jewelry mark
by: Anonymous

It could be Carolina Herrera from my research. I have a necklace with the same hang tag.

CH makers mark
by: pam

Hello, I have a silver necklace with a CH on the Hangtag also. Initials look exactly as yours. My necklace is a double circle enameled pendant white and red. I purchased this in the 70's. The necklace is a "rolled" style silver tone, believe it is sterling. Don't believe it is Charles Horner, the dates would not fit. Any help is appreciated. Thanks a bunch. .

It looks like Carolina Herrara!
by: Anonymous

Please look further into Carolina herrara. Good luck!

Reply - Date
by: Charity

Hi, Julie. To answer the question on date... As far as I can see, there is not a date on it. I tried to test it with a magnet, and it did not stick, but I know that is not always accurate.. But I certainly appreciate all of the information provided. Charles Horner was the only really one I was finding, but didn't seem accurate to me completely.

Possibly Chapin & Hollister
by: Julie

Charity - thank you for the photo of the mark. Can you describe the materials in your very lovely necklace, please. What date would you assign to it?
The initials CH appear to be on the hangtag on the clasp. Hangtags can be a pain in the proverbial at the best of times if you don't mind me saying so;-) Can you tell if the chain is rolled gold? The initals CH same style font, was used by Chapin & Hollister Company, Providence, RI. established in 1898 - Jewelry Manufacturers of fine rolled plate chains, gold, silver and gold-filled knives and jewelry. It looks like the last listing found was 1922.

Not sure if it is the same jewelry manufacturer of your necklace, but it's a good place to start your research. Good Luck!

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