Dear sir, I appreciate for informing me, but still one unknown in my mind and that is this: doesn't it affect the brooch value since it belongs to 50 years ago?
thanks Ali
Buying and Selling Sphinx by: Jeanette
Thanks Fox - that's interesting so it's a good time to buy Sphinx now but wait till after Christmas for selling would you say?
Sphinx Selling for by: Fox
The brooches like your's in this brand are listing for around $60 to $100 for Christmas and are "selling" on average for around $30 to $40 online.
Sphinx costume jewelry by: Anonymous
Good Morning
SPHINX is a British costume jewelry manufacturer established in 1950 and made jewelry for Kenneth Jay Lane, Butler & Wilson, 5th Avenue, Nieman Marcus, Bloomingdales, Hattie Carnegie and others.
This company produced a huge amount of good quality vintage costume jewelry pieces and was in business for about 40 years.
The central stone is purple coloured faceted glass to mimic amethyst gemstone. It is not a genuine gemstone. This is a good place to start a collection - prices for vintage costume jewellery is on the rise and prices are still relatively low for this name. Considering the materials and workmanship, and providing this item is in very good condition, expect to pay around $60 - $100 US (2015) for something similar,