Antique Jewelry Investor is the global authority and trusted Premier Jewelry investment resource for Antique Jewelry, 20th-Century Jewelry, Vintage Jewelry, and Pearls. This site is visited by experts and those new to investing in heritage Jewelry.
Culture, religion, social status; it makes no difference. Investing in Classic Jewelry hand made by craftsmen, that's been loved for hundreds or even thousands of years, for-profit, pleasure or both is for everyone. There's an entry-level right for you.
Demand for investment-grade Antique Silver and Gold Jewelry is soaring. When demand is high and supply low, investing in Antique Silver and Gold Jewelry makes sense.
Just look at the The History of Jewelry! Antique Silver & Gold Jewelry has never been adversely affected by the volatility of the market, black swan events or economic crises. On the contrary, when the buying power of fiat currency goes down the value of Antique & Estate Jewelry and fine Pearls, goes up.
On Antique Jewelry Investor find out How to Invest in fine Antique Silver and Gold Jewelry, Estate Jewelry, Vintage Jewelry (includes modern Estate Jewelry), Cultured Pearls, rare Natural Pearls, and exotic Jewelry such as Opal & Cameo Jewelry.
People everywhere are questioning mass-produced Jewelry. Many of those fine-spun brands are coming up short with compelling reasons as to why you should buy.
Earth's precious metals are in short supply; the mining sector's poor-on-the-ground environmental performance is well known. No matter how fairly traded or carefully sourced, newly mined materials use up the earth's resources. Investing in Antique and 20th-century Jewelry demonstrates how a sustainable relationship with Jewelry can be achieved. When you purchase Jewelry you should feel like you have invested in our earth's long-term future rather than taken advantage of it.
So, what other investment can you think of that rescues gold from its bad reputation as a way to show luxury, and takes Jewelry back to the Art Renaissance, NO unsustainable Mining Gold involved?
I hope you enjoy visiting this site and return often. I will be right here in the Antique Jewelry Investor Parthenon I founded, singing my cradle-song and the best-kept secret that's been hidden from you for too long - Antique Silver & Gold Jewelry, 20th-Century Jewelry and quality Pearls is an incredible investment!